Return Policy

You can confidently return new, unopened items purchased from within 30 days for a full refund. Please be aware that return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer. Refunds will be promptly processed to the credit card used for your original purchase. Returns submitted after 30 days will not be accepted. Thank you for your understanding and support.

This Return Policy exclusively applies to products purchased from and does not cover purchases made through other websites or retail stores. For those transactions, please refer to the return policy of the original retailer.

Please note that we do not cover shipping and handling costs for returns. We can’t be held responsible for items that don’t arrive at our warehouse. Thank you for choosing us!

We reserve the right to modify our return policy at any time at our discretion by posting updated terms. It’s your responsibility to review this policy periodically for any changes. By continuing to use our services after we post any updates, you agree to the new terms.